Thursday, April 22, 2010

Progress Updates

So, in the past week I managed to finish another project. Over the next day and the weekend, I should probably do another two. This is a little scary, as I'm crunched for time and sleep deprived. So I'm going to do another portrait of me smiling (cuz thus far I've been too lazy for it) and I'm gonna try to do it in color as well. I'm thinking that colored pencil might be faster than pastel, but I'm notoriously lousy at colored pencil technique, so we'll see.
Anyway, that's this week's plan.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yay shades of gray...

So, starting next week, I shall play with color, and stop talking like Ignatius from A Confederacy of Dunces. That said, I really shall play with color, because all my art is boring and gray. I don't really have any ideas, I need to take some photos and stuff again so that I can come up with something to draw, but I have decided that blue and purple sound fun. No guarentees that I'll use them, but they sound appealing at the moment.
The piece I've been working on this week turned out suprisingly well. After two weeks of plowing out crap, I actually did something that looks worthwhile. I like the contrast in it, it's a little bolder than most of my art has turned out. I like bold, but apparently I'm bad at it. Anyway, I have plans to complete a half done painting this weekend as well, but that may not work out.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Egads. I've gotten nowhere this week. Okay, so I drew out what I want to paint on my canvas, but that's about it. I have a sociology test tomorrow, so it's unlikely that I'll be getting any painting done. I'll have to do most of it over the weekend, since I'm phenomenal at forgetting to bring my paint and brushes to school with me. Anyway, I have a sketch for my next project in the works, and so far it looks okay, so I am sort of being productive. Sort of. I'm trying here.
Wish me luck. :)